Alabama Mineral & Lapidary Society

               Junior Rockhounds


Back to Welcome

We are coming back.
And we need your help.



Our Junior Rockhounds had its first meeting on Zoom Thursday afternoon. The discussion centered around where and when to have meetings and what we want to name our program.

Pup Scouts was the previous name but with many of the potential member being teens, a more age suitable name should be given.

Even though we are off and running, the junior program still needs a permanent leader with the imagination and energy to match our youth.

You can email or see John Gaston at the next club meeting if you want to show your support.


The Junior Rockhound program is designed to encourage our youth to get outside and play in the dirt!!

All children ages 3 and up are welcome to join the Pup Scouts as long as their parent or guardian is a Alabama Mineral and Lapidary Society member in good standing. There is no extra fee beyond your annual membership to join the Pup Scouts, simply register your child.

During their journey they will learn earth sciences, fossils, rocks, gems, lapidary, jewelry making and much more. Along the way they will earn 20 merit badges and graduate from Jr Rockhound to Rockhound. Plus badges for extracurricular activities such as helping at our festivals, workshops, etc.

Scouts meet at our regular Lapidary Club monthly meeting, the second Friday of each month. Scouts usually meet a few minutes prior to the regular meeting.


 LEADERS are needed. Please consider becoming a leader for the group. You do not have to be a rockhound to become a leader, just have a genuine desire to help encourage the youth along their journey in rockhounding.

AMFED Juniors Newsletter

American Federation of Mineralogical Society (AFMS)   


AFMS Future Rockhounds of America (FRA)